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What is the Most Efficient Fuel Type?

November 7, 2023
Ram | Crabtree Automotive Inc

Diesel, mostly found in trucks and some cars in the United States. It is the most energy dense fuel with widespread use today. In most other countries, diesel engines are in nearly all makes and models of cars and trucks.


These engines require specialized equipment and knowledge to repair and maintain. That's why we use the best tooling and equipment possible and employ the best in the industry. In addition, we continue the education of our team for new and emerging technologies in the automotive industry.

We are starting to see more diesel engines being used in smaller trucks here in the Untied States, and more European cars coming to the US with diesel options. There are some shops that don’t work on diesels, but we look forward to working with any diesel powered car or truck!


At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even European.  From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today . 

November 7, 2023
No matter where you live, I bet you have experienced rough roads. The United States isn’t known for having perfect roads! Hitting potholes, bumps, dips, and any other sort of imperfection in the road is a normal part of driving. We try our best to avoid them, but it happens. That’s why automobiles have rubber tires and suspension with shocks and springs in them. That suspension is what makes your car comfortable to drive on less than perfect roads. Those bumps and holes get smoothed out by the springs your tires are attached to and the shocks help control those springs. Shocks typically use fluid, compressed nitrogen, or air to dampen the movement of the springs in your suspension. The springs carry the weight of your car and allow it to “float” over most road issues. Large potholes or debris in the road will still cause a rough ride because your suspension is only designed to handle so much. This is where off-road vehicles and suspension upgrades shine. They are designed to handle more extreme conditions that are present in off-road activities or in automotive racing. When a shock fails it may be hard to tell visually but the pressure or fluid can leak out causing the shock to have nothing to compress or dampen movement. When a spring doesn’t have a shock to control it, your car or truck will get bouncy. So if your car is feeling bouncy or you are experiencing a rougher ride than you remember. Bring it in and we will give it an in-depth inspection and test drive to pinpoint the issue. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. Click Here to Schedule Service Today 
November 2, 2023
But my tires rotate every time I drive! Not that rotate! When we do a rotation service, we take the wheel off your car and move it to a different wheel well on the car. We do this to help prevent uneven tire wear. Often, the front tires wear differently than the rear tires because of turning and braking. Also, each corner of your automobile can wear tires differently. That’s why we rotate your tires during every oil service. This allows the tires to wear evenly and helps your tires last as long as possible. We also look at tire wear, pressure, and tread depth. When we remove the wheel and tire, we inspect your brakes and suspension as a courtesy. We want to ensure your vehicle lasts as long as possible, including your tires! You need a maintenance plan for your car that fits your budget and schedule. Let us create the perfect plan for you. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. We work hard to keep your life in motion.  Click Here to Schedule Service Today
October 31, 2023
Coolant, also known as antifreeze, is a mixture of water and various chemicals to keep your engine running at the proper temperature. What is a coolant flush service? The chemicals in the coolant serve different purposes depending on the type of coolant. It can be a basic antifreeze additive all the way up to advanced European, or diesel coolant with additives. This helps with corrosion, extended service intervals, or heavy-duty use. Just like the rest of the fluids your vehicle uses, coolant has a lifespan and needs to be changed at the recommended age. When coolant breaks down, those additives become less and less effective. Another issue that you can have with coolant is contamination or debris in the cooling system. There are several components in the cooling system, often made of different materials. This can cause corrosion to form between dissimilar metals. When we service your automobile, we will inspect your coolant for breakdown and contamination. We recommend flushing your coolant every three years. That way, it stays clean and doesn’t give your coolant time to break down and cause issues. Depending on your vehicle, we can either drain your old coolant and refill it with fresh fluid. Or use a machine to flush out your old coolant and refill it with new coolant using pressure. Either way, we will make sure that your coolant is fresh and ready for another 3 years. Now is a good time to have your coolant checked before the weather gets too cold. You don’t want your cooling system freezing. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. We work hard to keep your life in motion. Click Here to Schedule Service Today
October 26, 2023
Cars aren’t affected by cold like people or animals, but the cold can cause some issues. It’s that time of the year when temperatures start to drop, the rain or snow sets in, and things slow down outside. Your automobile is built to withstand a lot! Including pretty extreme weather conditions. It actually has to pass a long list of tests before it can be sold to the public. So you don’t have to worry about too much unless you live in one of those areas with extreme temperatures, like Alaska, for example. But those tests are done on brand-new vehicles. What happens after a few years and thousands of miles? We are lucky here in Albany, Oregon, and we don't get super cold here, so for us there are really only a few things to consider for your automobile when the temperatures drop. Batteries, as the temperatures decrease, so does the efficiency of batteries. That's why batteries have several ratings on their label. C.A. (Cranking Amps) is the measurement of power a battery can output at room temperature. C.C.A. (Cold Cranking Amps) is that same measurement but at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. This means the battery will have to work harder to start your cold engine. Tires, colder air is more dense, so a tire can “lose” pressure even if it doesn’t have a leak. This usually only happens during the first cold snap of the year. Once you top off the tire, it should be fine. Also, cold rubber isn’t going to grip as well as hot rubber on a bright summer day; again, it's not extreme here, but it is something to be mindful of. Belts, like tires, are made of rubber and become stiffer as the temperature drops. If a belt is already in poor condition, the cold can cause it to break or start coming apart. Wipers, again made of rubber, when they age, start to get stiff regardless of temperature. Cold temps will cause them to get even stiffer and skip across the window and not even wipe any water off. In other parts of the world, your car can have a much harder time. Thick oil, freezing doors, radio screens not responding, and much more. We always inspect your automobile from bumper to bumper here at Crabtree, so we will be able to catch these things before they become a problem. So let us take care of those cold weather services and let you get back to your busy life. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. We work hard to keep your life in motion. Click Here to Schedule Service Today
October 24, 2023
Have you seen gas prices lately? Every last drop counts!  Keeping your vehicle in tip-top shape is important not only for the longevity of your vehicle, but also making sure you aren’t spending more on gas than you should be. Here in the United States, we spend so much time in our car or truck that we get to know its quirks and how it operates pretty well. So when the fuel in the tank doesn’t seem to take you as far as it used to, you notice pretty quickly. There are a lot of things that could be causing this, we will go over some of the big ones. It could be time for a tune-up. Spark plugs, wires, and ignition coils are all regular maintenance items and will degrade over time. This will cause a loss in power and performance, which could lead to your vehicle using more gas than normal. Typically, if these fail you will also notice your engine running rough as well. Clogged filters, air filters especially, can cause a major loss of power. These are also part of regular maintenance. We Inspect all the fluids and filters in your vehicle every time it comes into the shop here at Crabtree. Some things aren’t part of the engine and can still cause bad mileage, such as tires with low pressure. If a tire isn't inflated properly, then it can make it harder for the car to roll down the road. Also if your alignment is bad it can cause not only tire wear, but bad fuel economy. Clogged exhaust systems: imagine the air filter or intake of a car as you being able to take a breath in. The exhaust system allows your engine to breathe out. If it is clogged, then it won't be able to breathe properly, just like a clogged air filter. These are just a few of the possibilities that could cause your automobile to use more gas than normal. That’s why we invest in industry-leading equipment to help our expert technicians diagnose and service your vehicle. Don’t wait. If you notice an issue, getting it fixed right away can save you thousands at the pump in the long run. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. We work hard to keep your life in motion. Click Here to Schedule Service Today
October 19, 2023
Rainy days have their own beauty, just like sunny summer days, but rain can make driving a bit more dangerous! After talking about how tires wear and how traction decreases in the rain, visibility also typically decreases. What does “visibility” mean anyway? Rain makes it harder for you to see out of your car and for others to see you. Snow and fog also have the same effect. That's why keeping good windshield wipers on your vehicle is important. Streaking on the windshield doesn't help visibility at all. Fresh wipers will keep the rain off without leaving a mess, chattering, or skipping across the window. Taking things a step further, Aquapel, a glass treatment that is applied to the windshield. It’s like putting your wiper blades on steroids! It allows the water to bead up and blow right off the window all by itself. This means your wipers don’t have to work nearly as much to keep your vision clear. That's why we always recommend fresh wipers and Aquapel treatment every year heading into the rainy season. Our team always inspects your wipers when your vehicle comes in for service, to make sure they are still streak-free and working properly. We will let you know when it's time for replacement and give you the option to use the Aquapel treatment. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. Click Here to Schedule Service Today
October 17, 2023
We have talked about how important tires are and about the difference between normal tires and snow tires. What about WHEN to replace your tires? Tires are a normal wear item and are only designed to last a certain amount of time and miles. Because no road is perfectly smooth and we have to make turns, stop, and go, tires wear out. When is it time for new tires? There are several reasons for needing new tires: age, wear, and damage. Age can cause issues for tires, especially if they have spent their whole life outside in the sun. When tires age, they dry out, become less soft, and develop cracks in the rubber around the wheel or tread. While this may not immediately cause issues, a car or truck that doesn't get driven often can be extremely dangerous. It could separate or rupture without warning just sitting there or worse while driving down the road. Tires have date codes on them they will tell you when a tire was made. If your tire shows no signs of aging, it can still be unsafe. Some tire manufacturers recommend replacing tires that are 6 to 10 years old, regardless of tread wear. Wear is normally the number one reason for replacing tires. The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) recommends replacing all tires when the wear bars in the tread of your tires are flush with the tread. These wear bars are set to 2/32’s of an inch of tread depth. At Crabtree, we recommend 3/32 replacement, especially during the rainy season. As tread depth decreases, traction in wet conditions also decreases. Damage to your tires can, unfortunately, happen at any time. Hitting a huge pothole, hitting a curb, or running over something on the road can all cause blowouts or flat tires. Other times, running a tire too low on air or too high can cause uneven tire wear or even damage the sidewall of the tire. A blowout can’t be fixed and will require a new tire, but a flat might be able to be repaired. We have tire patches and the tools needed to seal small punctures in the tread of tires. But punctures in the side of a tire will not be fixable and require replacement. So, now that you know what to look for, it’s recommended that you check your tires once a month. If Crabtree Automotive services your automobile, we will also check your tires every visit. Along with the rest of your car or truck! We can get tires for almost anything you drive, so stop in today to get your fresh set of tires. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. Click Here to Schedule Service Today
October 12, 2023
It’s a fair question, even if we are an independent automotive facility. Let's dive in! Typically, an independent facility is going to be comparable in price. While there are things like warranty repairs and recalls that have to go to the dealership. An independent shop, especially one like Crabtree Automotive, can and will give you better service. They also offer parts and repairs that exceed the factory's specifications. For example, some manufacturers may suggest 10,000 miles or more between an oil change and may use factory oil and filters. They have large change intervals to help reduce maintenance costs, But we always recommend changing your oil at most every 5,000 miles because even the highest quality oil breaks down. We want to change your oil before it has a chance to degrade and cause any issues. We will also use an oil and filter that meets or exceeds the factory requirement. Speaking of oil changes, when you finally buy that brand-new vehicle or one that still has a factory warranty, you obviously want to keep that warranty safe. We understand how expensive auto repair can be. That's why it's great news that when you bring your automobile here for service, your factory warranty isn't affected! As that car or truck ages and the factory warranty runs out, we will still be here to keep your life in motion. Another bonus of an independent repair facility like ours is if there is a part or repair procedure that fixes a factory flaw or issue, we can handle it. Whereas a dealership is typically limited to factory parts and procedures. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. Click Here to Schedule Service Today
October 10, 2023
Have you ever been driving, hit the brakes, and heard just an awful sound? It could be something simple like a small rock getting stuck between the brake parts, or it could be time for a brake service. Brakes work off friction; a brake pad or shoe is made of very rough material and is pressed against the brake rotor or drum, and that is what stops your vehicle. Under normal conditions, brakes aren't going to make noise, but sometimes, small rocks or other road debris can get in there and make noise. Or when a brake pad wears down on some models, they have a part designed to squeal on purpose to alert you that the pads have reached the end of their lifetime and need to be replaced. Most European cars have sensors in the pad or caliper that will warn you on the dash that the pads need to be replaced instead of making a noise. If you ignore these warnings or if your automobile doesn't have either of these features and you wear completely through your pads or shoes, then you will hear the squealing and grinding sound of the metal backing plate making contact with the rotor instead of the normal brake material. This is actually dangerous because while metal against metal makes a lot of noise, it doesn’t stop very well. Anytime your vehicle comes into our facility, we will be doing a full inspection, including checking the brake pads, shoes, and rotors. So let us keep your car in tip-top shape, including the BRAKES! We have a standard for how much wear we allow on brake pads and will let you know when replacement is recommended so you don’t have to hear that annoying sound and, more importantly, keeping you safe. At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. Click Here to Schedule Service Today 
October 5, 2023
Your car leaking stuff on the ground is annoying and can be embarrassing. It can also be a big problem. Obviously, a vehicle shouldn't leak anything, but with age, these things can develop. There are several fluids and oils in your car, like motor oil, transmission fluid, coolant, gear oil, and fuel. Even EV’s use coolant and gear oil. Sometimes, when a leak develops, it can be hard to figure out where it is coming from. The wind from driving can blow the fluid everywhere and really make a mess. Small leaks can build up gunk over long periods of time because they may not leak enough to leave a spot on the ground alerting you to an issue. Other times, a major seal or hose can fail and cause a massive leak right away. It's always a good idea to check your fluid levels often. Some modern automobiles don’t have dipsticks anymore to allow you to check fluid physically, but some do have sensors to check fluid levels and fluid conditions, which you can see in the menu on your dash screen. While some other vehicles require special tools to check the fluids. We have those tools. So, how do we find those difficult leaks? When your automobile comes in for an oil leak, we deep clean the area where it looks like is leaking. Look for any obvious gasket failure, broken hoses, or drips. After a deep clean and inspection, if the leak still isn’t showing, we will take your car for a test drive to try and expose the location of the leak. Finally, if the leak is small enough to still not show up we will add a dye to the fluid and let the customer drive it for a few days and bring it back. The dye we use is a UV dye. A special light allows us to pinpoint even the smallest leak. That way, we are only replacing the part that has failed and not just throwing parts at it, hoping it's fixed. This saves you money, and it saves us time! At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even Diesels. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointment today with the link below. Click Here to Schedule Service Today
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