Posted on 10/26/2023

Cars aren’t affected by cold like people or animals, but the cold can cause some issues. It’s that time of the year when temperatures start to drop, the rain or snow sets in, and things slow down outside. Your automobile is built to withstand a lot! Including pretty extreme weather conditions. It actually has to pass a long list of tests before it can be sold to the public. So you don’t have to worry about too much unless you live in one of those areas with extreme temperatures, like Alaska, for example. But those tests are done on brand-new vehicles. What happens after a few years and thousands of miles? We are lucky here in Albany, Oregon, and we don't get super cold here, so for us there are really only a few things to consider for your automobile when the temperatures drop. Batteries, as the temperatures decrease, so does the efficiency of batteries. That's why batteries have several ratings on their label. C.A. (C ... read more
Posted on 9/7/2023

How Do I Get My Car Ready For Winter? Here in Oregon, the weather is already starting to change; like it or not, winter is coming. Before winter, we do have a fall. Here, that means rain, rain, and more rain. Rain means a few things for drivers: you need good wiper blades and good tires, which we check during inspection here at Crabtree. Once winter arrives and the cold sets in, there are a few more things to be mindful of. Like Fall, Winter requires more of your tires and wipers than summer. Also, if you live in a place where you have to deal with snow, you may want to change your tires to dedicated snow tires. The difference between snow tires and regular tires is traction. Snow tires are designed for maximum grip on slippery surfaces. That is accomplished in a few ways. The rubber on a snow tire is much softer. Since snow is typically soft and fluffy, a snow tire can be softer than a normal tire without wearing out quickly. You can run a snow t ... read more
Posted on 7/7/2023

Has anyone seen the fuel prices lately? We need all the help we can get with saving money! One place you could save some money is improving your vehicle's fuel economy. There are several components that contribute to your fuel economy. Keeping up on the normal maintenance, making sure there is not a Check Engine Light on, and your car running smoothly are all factors that contribute to the fuel economy.. Also, a proper alignment is helpful so the car isn’t pulling to one side or the other driving down the road. Something as simple as tire pressure can also make a massive difference in MPG (mile per gallon). And make your tires last longer! Maintenance on your vehicle includes oil change with an oil filter, air filter and fuel filter replacements. Also, transmission and differential fluid exchange, spark plugs and spark plug wire replacement. Another contributor is the body of your vehicle. If you have damage that can affect airflow around the body, it ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2023

What is an alignment? Well, it's getting your car or truck lined up… but what does that mean exactly. When we talk about Alignments what we are talking about is getting all 4 wheels pointed in the same direction and rolling smoothly down the road. We talked last week about tires and tire wear. A big factor in tire wear is a bad alignment. Besides improper tire wear a bad alignment will cause your car or truck to pull to one side going down the road. It can also have poor handling in general. There are a lot of adjustments to be made on a typical modern car, that's why we have a computer and laser system to help make these changes. Pictured is a car on our rack with the sensors on each wheel and the computer screen displaying the desired alignment numbers and current numbers so our technicians know how much adjustment is needed. Why do alignments need to be checked? Because your alignment involves your car’s suspension, steering, whee ... read more
Posted on 5/26/2023

What happens to tires when the weather warms up? Warm weather is here, and summer road trips are right around the corner. Tires are THE only part of your car that touches the ground and keeps you going down the road. You could say tires are the most important part of your car or truck. Flat tires are no fun, but another problem is when your tires wear down from normal use, they begin to have less and less traction in rainy or snowy conditions. Luckily we don’t have to worry about snow anytime soon. Wet slippery roads cause millions of accidents across the county. Many of those are from bald tires. We inspect your whole vehicle when you come to Crabtree, Including tires. There are indicators on tires to let you know when it's time for replacement. We will check this for you. When you bring your vehicle to Crabtree we will make a maintenance schedule for you that keeps your car and your wallet happy. This, of course, includes tires. We sel ... read more