Posted on 11/16/2023

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year are all right around the corner. Are you ready? Is your car ready for all the miles? We know the holiday season can be very stressful, and we want to help alleviate some of that stress. No one has time for car trouble in the middle of the holiday season, here are some things you can do to make sure your holiday is car trouble-free. First of all, your budget can be tight around Christmas. We offer several payment options to keep your automobile on the road without breaking the bank. Next, fix any known issues you may have been putting off. If you bring your car in for an Oil Service at Crabtree Automotive, we will be doing a full inspection as well. Or, if you have recently had your car serviced but still want to make sure it is good for that long drive to grandma’s house, then let us do a Trip Inspection. There are some simple things you can check in your own driveway! You can check your windshield washer f ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2023

Coolant, also known as antifreeze, is a mixture of water and various chemicals to keep your engine running at the proper temperature. What is a coolant flush service? The chemicals in the coolant serve different purposes depending on the type of coolant. It can be a basic antifreeze additive all the way up to advanced European, or diesel coolant with additives. This helps with corrosion, extended service intervals, or heavy-duty use. Just like the rest of the fluids your vehicle uses, coolant has a lifespan and needs to be changed at the recommended age. When coolant breaks down, those additives become less and less effective. Another issue that you can have with coolant is contamination or debris in the cooling system. There are several components in the cooling system, often made of different materials. This can cause corrosion to form between dissimilar metals. When we service your automobile, we will inspect your coolant for breakdown and cont ... read more
Posted on 10/12/2023

It’s a fair question, even if we are an independent automotive facility. Let's dive in! Typically, an independent facility is going to be comparable in price. While there are things like warranty repairs and recalls that have to go to the dealership. An independent shop, especially one like Crabtree Automotive, can and will give you better service. They also offer parts and repairs that exceed the factory's specifications. For example, some manufacturers may suggest 10,000 miles or more between an oil change and may use factory oil and filters. They have large change intervals to help reduce maintenance costs, But we always recommend changing your oil at most every 5,000 miles because even the highest quality oil breaks down. We want to change your oil before it has a chance to degrade and cause any issues. We will also use an oil and filter that meets or exceeds the factory requirement. Speaking of oil changes, when you finally buy that bran ... read more