Posted on 10/3/2023

Why Is My Car Cranking But Not Starting? Your car not starting is a huge inconvenience, and no one has time for that. We’ve talked about batteries and starting issues before. When a car will turn over or crank but not start, that’s not typically a battery issue. The engine in your automobile requires all the systems to work in order for it to start and run. While these systems can be complex, they can be categorized into four simple functions. Fuel, air, spark, and compression. If your fuel injectors aren’t supplying fuel to the engine, then there is nothing for the engine to ignite. There is a pump and filter that supplies the fuel to those injectors, and the computer controls all of it. If anything fails, then fuel won't be sent to the injectors. If your air filter is plugged, then the engine can’t breathe properly and won’t be able to burn the fuel. Also, a sensor that monitors the air intake could fail, making the e ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2023

Fuel system cleaners are more important than ever before with how complex modern fuel systems are these days. That’s why we teamed up with BG Services to bring you the best chemicals to service your automobile! Today we are going to talk about their Fuel System and Intake Services. The reason these services are needed is because carbon can build up in the upper part of the engine because most engines have the fuel injected directly into the engine cylinder vs fuel being injected into the upper intake like they used to be. Even then carbon would build up but not as quickly. When carbon builds up your engine can start to run rough, get poor mileage, and even loose power. Also the fuel we use matters. Some fuel can be pretty dirty and also build up junk in the fuel system. The Platinum Fuel Service is designed to take care of this issue. By dissolving these build ups and deposits and burning them though the engine. This service is great for breathing ... read more
Posted on 7/19/2023

Diesel, mostly found in trucks and some cars in the United States. It is the most energy dense fuel with widespread use today. In most other countries, diesel engines are in nearly all makes and models of cars and trucks. These engines require specialized equipment and knowledge to repair and maintain. That's why we use the best tooling and equipment possible and employ the best in the industry. In addition, we continue the education of our team for new and emerging technologies in the automotive industry. We are starting to see more diesel engines being used in smaller trucks here in the Untied States, and more European cars coming to the US with diesel options. There are some shops that don’t work on diesels, but we look forward to working with any diesel powered car or truck! At Crabtree Automotive, we work on all makes and models, even European. From Honda to Audi and everything in between! So give us a call or schedule an appointme ... read more
Posted on 7/7/2023

Has anyone seen the fuel prices lately? We need all the help we can get with saving money! One place you could save some money is improving your vehicle's fuel economy. There are several components that contribute to your fuel economy. Keeping up on the normal maintenance, making sure there is not a Check Engine Light on, and your car running smoothly are all factors that contribute to the fuel economy.. Also, a proper alignment is helpful so the car isn’t pulling to one side or the other driving down the road. Something as simple as tire pressure can also make a massive difference in MPG (mile per gallon). And make your tires last longer! Maintenance on your vehicle includes oil change with an oil filter, air filter and fuel filter replacements. Also, transmission and differential fluid exchange, spark plugs and spark plug wire replacement. Another contributor is the body of your vehicle. If you have damage that can affect airflow around the body, it ... read more
Posted on 6/14/2023

There are a lot of components that may cause your car to run poorly. It can be something simple or something deep within your engine. The heart of every car and truck is the engine. The engine is what everything else in your car depends on to get from point A to point B. It is what makes the power to turn your wheels and send you down the road. Engine performance is measured by horsepower and torque. Horsepower measures how quickly power is created, and torque measures how much power is made. And no, one horsepower is not equal to one horse. Some people purchase their car based on those two performance numbers and usually enjoy their vehicle for more than just a mode of transportation. But even if you don’t care about the performance of your engine, you still need it to run properly; that’s why maintenance is important. Oil, air, and fuel filters, along with fluid changes, are vital to keeping your engine running fo ... read more