Posted on 1/27/2023

How Do I Know When I Need an Alignment? Does your car pull to one side or the other going down the road? Front tires wear different than the back? Strange vibrations? The thought “Jesus take the wheel” comes to mind. Well, that's a problem, let's fix it. A functioning automobile should go down the road straight and smooth and when you make a turn the steering wheel should return to center almost on its own. Also, all tires should wear evenly and at the same rate. If any of these statements aren't true for you then it's time for an alignment! Alignments need a specialized computer and laser system to ensure all four wheels are within the factory's recommended specifications. It is also always advisable to have an alignment done anytime you install a fresh set of tires. So schedule with us today to get you going back down the road straight. At Crabtree Automotive we work on all makes and models ... read more