Posted on 4/28/2022

The first thing we check is how cold your AC is blowing. If the temperature isn’t cold enough we use a machine that pulls out all of the freon in your system. We pull out, measure and weigh it. Unfortunately there is no dipstick for freon. If your system is full we then check to make sure the compressor has a good signal. If your freon level is low we introduce nitrogen into the system to duplicate freon to see if we can find any leaks that need to be repaired. Once everything is looking good the freon goes back into the system. Now you rest assured your summer will be nice and cool.
Posted on 4/26/2022

Our suggestion would be to get ahead of the weather. Have your vehicle running nice and cold for when those hot days arise. In Oregon we suggest May to June getting your AC serviced. We offer AC services at a discount in May which helps out with the extreme rising cost of freon these days.  
Posted on 4/21/2022

3 Signs you need a new car Battery -Sitting for a long period of time -Slow to start -Heavy Corrosion The rule of thumb to replace your car battery is about every 3 years. Things that will effect how long your battery lasts is climate and driving habits. When our mechanics do your oil change we include an inspection of your vehicle's battery. So there should be no surprises. We have batteries for Fords, Chevy's, Subaru's all the way to BMW's and Volkswagon's. We have you covered.
Posted on 4/8/2022

What does my dash light mean? Is this light important? Could it be a Safety Concern? These are important for even a young driver to learn. Let’s go through a few of these lights with you. Engine Temp Light: This usually means your engine is running hot. Stop and Let it cool down. Call your trusted Automotive Shop. Battery Warning Light: The vehicle is not charging properly. Call your trusted automotive shop. Oil Pressure Light: This means there is a loss in oil pressure. This could mean there is not enough oil to run the engine smoothly. An engine is not cheaply replaced. Best to call your trusted automotive shop. Brake warning light: Usually means you have your handbrake on. If the handbrake is not on this will be cause for great concern. Check Engine Light: This can come on for a multitude of reasons like someth ... read more